Terms & Conditions

Things to know before coming along to Super Little Scientists

Please do not attend the session if either you or your child is feeling unwell.

The suggested minimum age for Super Little Scientists is 2 years. 

Mini white lab coats are available for children to wear. I would still recommend wearing old clothes too as it can get a little messy.

Please bring along some wipes or a little towel (see above point about being messy!).

If a session is cancelled or postponed, then you will be offered either a refund or the option to roll the session over. The refund will not include any booking fees. There is an option to pay via bank transfer rather than by card if you wish to avoid paying booking fees. Unfortunately if you are unable to attend a session, I am cannot give a refund. If you do miss a session, I may be able to offer you a catch up session on a different day depending on available spaces. Alternatively you are very welcome to gift your session to a friend. I will just require a name and contact information please.

Please ensure payment is made within 24 hours of making your booking. If payment is not made, then unfortunately the booking may be cancelled.

Good Time Charlies classes ONLY. No food or drink is allowed to be brought into the venue including the room used for our sessions. The free 2 hours soft play is available AFTER the class not beforehand.